ANY ROUTE =50pts

The height of Mt. Everest is (approx) 29,000ft. If you reach that goal, you'll win the ULTIMATE GIFT BASKET (valued at $1000). Climbing gear, gift certificates, and so much more.
How do you win? You need to climb the hight of Mt. Everest. Each route, any route at any grade, in the pit is worth 50pts. Any boulder route is worth 25pts. You need to reach "29,000 pts", and the first one to the summit wins the gift basket (rope, harness, shoes, belay device, chalk/bag, Arq merchandise, Firehall, The Choice, Twisted Peaks, and Hotshots are in the gift basket, as well as a massage from RMT Ryan Shortridge, and more!).
Your "journey" begins February 1st. Registration opens Jan 18th at the front desk (where we'll also be keeping score). There'll be a leader board so everyone can follow your adventure.

$20 ENTRY FEE to compete
Why are we doing this?
All proceeds, which will be matched by Arq, will go into a draw. And this is the cool part...the total amount gathered from participants/Arq will be donated to one of the local schools (that gets drawn), providing opportunity to youth in that school to climb at Arq.